Saturday, August 28, 2010

Chinese Medicinal Plant Walk

Quarryhill Botanical Gardens in Glen Ellen, CA
Saturday September 4th from 10 - Noon

1989.049_fl_lm_1Every year Peg Schafer and I lead this medicinal plant walk at Quarryhill Botanical Gardens. Quarryhill is an amazing, world-class woodland garden specializing in Asian plants. We'll see and talk about a variety of rare and commonly used Chinese medicinal plants in terms of cultivation and usage. This is a great opportunity to see, learn about and get a feel for the live herbs in a beautiful setting.

All proceeds benefit Quarryhill Botanical Garden, $15 non-members (of the Gardens) $10 members.
(707) 996-3166

Friday, August 13, 2010

The Way of Tea

I often talk about the health benefits of tea in the office. However, a high quality tea also provides a deep and quiet enjoyment and, traditionally, is even seen as as way to cultivate one's awareness and sensitivity.

The tea itself is fundamental, but we also need pure water (ideally spring water, but most of us don't live by a pure mountain spring, so as fresh and pure as possible), a teapot or gaiwan to brew the tea, a kettle to prepare the water, and of course, a source of heat. These basic elements reflect the Five Elements or Phases of nature: Wood/Greenery (tea), Fire (heat source), Earth (clay or ceramic pot), Water (well, water) and Metal (kettle).

Perhaps the most important element in all of this, however, is you! Sitting quietly with a few friends, slowly sipping your tea, notice the color and aroma and let the flavor roll back along your tongue. Notice the feeling in your mouth and throughout your body as the qi of the tea begins to circulate. This quiet pleasure is part of the Way of Tea - Cha Dao.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Qigong Demo at Dr. Rong Rong Zheng's Banquet Part 2

Here is the second part of the moving qigong demonstration I did at Dr. Zheng's banquet. This shows the advanced moving gong and closing gong (and lots of waiters - there was so much fantastic food!). See below for part 1.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Newsletter Series

Within Chinese medicine, health is not simply the absence of disease, it is a dynamic changing state that embodies efficient living and allows us to fulfill our potential. There are actually a small number of important things that we can do that are necessary for this. Every day in the office I discuss some of these things with people and see how well they work. The nice thing about traditional Chinese medicine is, even though it may sound different or even esoteric at first, it is first and foremost practical and adaptable; it is about what works over the long term.
With this in mind I have decided to write a series of newsletter articles on the methods, practices and approaches to health that are laid out in the classical texts and are applied to our modern lives. The first newsletter in this series will be emailed out soon.
This series will encompass the following topics:
Living with Awareness
Following the Seasons / Natural Rhythms
Food and Nutrition
Restorative Practices
Movement / Physical Training
Health Interventions
The primary themes within all of these interrelated topics are awareness, simplicity and effectiveness.

If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter you can sign up on the main page of our website (just scroll down to the form ) at Center for Traditional Health Arts. Once you have joined the mailing list check your email for the confirmation letter (which you'll need to confirm your newsletter subscription).